Source code for pyraug.models.rhvae.rhvae_model

import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional

import dill
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import grad

from pyraug.customexception import BadInheritanceError
from pyraug.models.base.base_utils import ModelOuput
from pyraug.models.base.base_vae import BaseVAE
from pyraug.models.nn import BaseDecoder, BaseEncoder, BaseMetric
from pyraug.models.nn.default_architectures import Metric_MLP
from pyraug.models.rhvae.rhvae_config import RHVAEConfig

from .rhvae_utils import create_inverse_metric, create_metric

[docs]class RHVAE(BaseVAE): r""" This is an implementation of the Riemannian Hamiltonian VAE model proposed in ( This model provides a way to learn the Riemannian latent structure of a given set of data set through a parametrized Riemannian metric having the following shape: :math:`\mathbf{G}^{-1}(z) = \sum \limits _{i=1}^N L_{\psi_i} L_{\psi_i}^{\top} \exp \Big(-\frac{\lVert z - c_i \rVert_2^2}{T^2} \Big) + \lambda I_d` and to generate new data. It is particularly well suited for High Dimensional data combined with low sample number and proved relevant for Data Augmentation as proved in ( Args: model_config (RHVAEConfig): A model configuration setting the main parameters of the model .. note:: For high dimensional data we advice you to provide you own network architectures. With the provided MLP you may end up with a ``MemoryError``. """ def __init__( self, model_config: RHVAEConfig, encoder: Optional[BaseEncoder] = None, decoder: Optional[BaseDecoder] = None, metric: Optional[BaseMetric] = None, ): BaseVAE.__init__( self, model_config=model_config, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder ) if metric is None: metric = Metric_MLP(model_config) self.model_config.uses_default_metric = True else: self.model_config.uses_default_metric = False self.set_metric(metric) self.temperature = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([model_config.temperature]), requires_grad=False ) self.lbd = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([model_config.regularization]), requires_grad=False ) self.beta_zero_sqrt = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([model_config.beta_zero]), requires_grad=False ) self.n_lf = model_config.n_lf self.eps_lf = model_config.eps_lf # this is used to store the matrices and centroids throughout training for # further use in metric update (L is the cholesky decomposition of M) self.M = [] self.centroids = [] self.M_tens = torch.randn( 1, self.model_config.latent_dim, self.model_config.latent_dim ) self.centroids_tens = torch.randn(1, self.model_config.latent_dim) # define a starting metric (gamma_i = 0 & L = I_d) def G(z): return torch.inverse( ( torch.eye(self.latent_dim, device=z.device).unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp(-torch.norm(z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) ** 2) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(z.device) ) def G_inv(z): return ( torch.eye(self.latent_dim, device=z.device).unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp(-torch.norm(z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) ** 2) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(z.device) self.G = G self.G_inv = G_inv
[docs] def update(self): self.update_metric()
[docs] def set_metric(self, metric: BaseMetric) -> None: r"""This method is called to set the metric network outputing the :math:`L_{\psi_i}` of the metric matrices Args: metric (BaseMetric): The metric module that need to be set to the model. """ if not issubclass(type(metric), BaseMetric): raise BadInheritanceError( ( "Metric must inherit from BaseMetric class from " "pyraug.models.base_architectures.BaseMetric. Refer to documentation." ) ) self.metric = metric
[docs] def forward(self, inputs): r""" The input data is first encoded. The reparametrization is used to produce a sample :math:`z_0` from the approximate posterior :math:`q_{\phi}(z|x)`. Then Riemannian Hamiltonian equations are solved using the generalized leapfrog integrator. In the meantime, the input data :math:`x` is fed to the metric network outputing the matrices :math:`L_{\psi}`. The metric is computed and used with the integrator. Args: inputs (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): The training data with labels Returns: output (ModelOutput): An instance of ModelOutput containing all the relevant parameters """ x = inputs["data"] mu, log_var = self.encoder(x) std = torch.exp(0.5 * log_var) z0, eps0 = self._sample_gauss(mu, std) z = z0 if # update the metric using batch data points L = self.metric(x) M = L @ torch.transpose(L, 1, 2) # store LL^T and mu(x_i) to update final metric self.M.append(M.clone().detach()) self.centroids.append(mu.clone().detach()) G_inv = ( M.unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp( -torch.norm(mu.unsqueeze(0) - z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) ** 2 / (self.temperature ** 2) ) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(x.device) else: G = self.G(z) G_inv = self.G_inv(z) L = torch.linalg.cholesky(G) G_log_det = -torch.logdet(G_inv) gamma = torch.randn_like(z0, device=x.device) rho = gamma / self.beta_zero_sqrt beta_sqrt_old = self.beta_zero_sqrt # sample \rho from N(0, G) rho = (L @ rho.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) recon_x = self.decoder(z) for k in range(self.n_lf): # perform leapfrog steps # step 1 rho_ = self._leap_step_1(recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det) # step 2 z = self._leap_step_2(recon_x, x, z, rho_, G_inv, G_log_det) recon_x = self.decoder(z) if G_inv = ( M.unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp( -torch.norm(mu.unsqueeze(0) - z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) ** 2 / (self.temperature ** 2) ) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(x.device) else: # compute metric value on new z using final metric G = self.G(z) G_inv = self.G_inv(z) G_log_det = -torch.logdet(G_inv) # step 3 rho__ = self._leap_step_3(recon_x, x, z, rho_, G_inv, G_log_det) # tempering beta_sqrt = self._tempering(k + 1, self.n_lf) rho = (beta_sqrt_old / beta_sqrt) * rho__ beta_sqrt_old = beta_sqrt loss = self.loss_function( recon_x, x, z0, z, rho, eps0, gamma, mu, log_var, G_inv, G_log_det ) output = ModelOuput( loss=loss, recon_x=recon_x, z=z, z0=z0, rho=rho, eps0=eps0, gamma=gamma, mu=mu, log_var=log_var, G_inv=G_inv, G_log_det=G_log_det, ) return output
[docs] def save(self, dir_path: str): """Method to save the model at a specific location Args: dir_path (str): The path where the model should be saved. If the path path does not exist a folder will be created at the provided location. """ # This creates the dir if not available super().save(dir_path) model_path = dir_path model_dict = { "M": deepcopy(self.M_tens.clone().detach()), "centroids": deepcopy(self.centroids_tens.clone().detach()), "model_state_dict": deepcopy(self.state_dict()), } if not self.model_config.uses_default_metric: with open(os.path.join(model_path, "metric.pkl"), "wb") as fp: dill.dump(self.metric, fp), os.path.join(model_path, ""))
@classmethod def _load_model_config_from_folder(cls, dir_path): file_list = os.listdir(dir_path) if "model_config.json" not in file_list: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Missing model config file ('model_config.json') in" f"{dir_path}... Cannot perform model building." ) path_to_model_config = os.path.join(dir_path, "model_config.json") model_config = RHVAEConfig.from_json_file(path_to_model_config) return model_config @classmethod def _load_custom_metric_from_folder(cls, dir_path): file_list = os.listdir(dir_path) if "metric.pkl" not in file_list: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Missing metric pkl file ('metric.pkl') in" f"{dir_path}... This file is needed to rebuild custom metrics." " Cannot perform model building." ) else: with open(os.path.join(dir_path, "metric.pkl"), "rb") as fp: metric = dill.load(fp) return metric @classmethod def _load_metric_matrices_and_centroids(cls, dir_path): """this function can be called safely since it is called after _load_model_weights_from_folder which handles FileNotFoundError and loading issues""" path_to_model_weights = os.path.join(dir_path, "") model_weights = torch.load(path_to_model_weights, map_location="cpu") if "M" not in model_weights.keys(): raise KeyError( "Metric M matrices are not available in '' file. Got keys:" f"{model_weights.keys()}. These are needed to build the metric." ) metric_M = model_weights["M"] if "centroids" not in model_weights.keys(): raise KeyError( "Metric centroids are not available in '' file. Got keys:" f"{model_weights.keys()}. These are needed to build the metric." ) metric_centroids = model_weights["centroids"] return metric_M, metric_centroids
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_folder(cls, dir_path): """Class method to be used to load the model from a specific folder Args: dir_path (str): The path where the model should have been be saved. .. note:: This function requires the folder to contain: a ``model_config.json`` and a ```` if no custom architectures were provided a ``model_config.json``, a ```` and a ``encoder.pkl`` (resp. ``decoder.pkl`` or/and ``metric.pkl``) if a custom encoder (resp. decoder or/and metric) was provided """ model_config = cls._load_model_config_from_folder(dir_path) model_weights = cls._load_model_weights_from_folder(dir_path) if not model_config.uses_default_encoder: encoder = cls._load_custom_encoder_from_folder(dir_path) else: encoder = None if not model_config.uses_default_decoder: decoder = cls._load_custom_decoder_from_folder(dir_path) else: decoder = None if not model_config.uses_default_metric: metric = cls._load_custom_metric_from_folder(dir_path) else: metric = None model = cls(model_config, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, metric=metric) metric_M, metric_centroids = cls._load_metric_matrices_and_centroids(dir_path) model.M_tens = metric_M model.centroids_tens = metric_centroids model.G = create_metric(model) model.G_inv = create_inverse_metric(model) model.load_state_dict(model_weights) return model
def _leap_step_1(self, recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det, steps=3): """ Resolves first equation of generalized leapfrog integrator using fixed point iterations """ def f_(rho_): H = self._hamiltonian(recon_x, x, z, rho_, G_inv, G_log_det) gz = grad(H, z, retain_graph=True)[0] return rho - 0.5 * self.eps_lf * gz rho_ = rho.clone() for _ in range(steps): rho_ = f_(rho_) return rho_ def _leap_step_2(self, recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det, steps=3): """ Resolves second equation of generalized leapfrog integrator using fixed point iterations """ H0 = self._hamiltonian(recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det) grho_0 = grad(H0, rho)[0] def f_(z_): H = self._hamiltonian(recon_x, x, z_, rho, G_inv, G_log_det) grho = grad(H, rho, retain_graph=True)[0] return z + 0.5 * self.eps_lf * (grho_0 + grho) z_ = z.clone() for _ in range(steps): z_ = f_(z_) return z_ def _leap_step_3(self, recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det, steps=3): """ Resolves third equation of generalized leapfrog integrator """ H = self._hamiltonian(recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv, G_log_det) gz = grad(H, z, create_graph=True)[0] return rho - 0.5 * self.eps_lf * gz def _hamiltonian(self, recon_x, x, z, rho, G_inv=None, G_log_det=None): """ Computes the Hamiltonian function. used for HVAE and RHVAE """ norm = ( torch.transpose(rho.unsqueeze(-1), 1, 2) @ G_inv @ rho.unsqueeze(-1) ).sum() return -self._log_p_xz(recon_x, x, z).sum() + 0.5 * norm + 0.5 * G_log_det.sum()
[docs] def update_metric(self): r""" As soon as the model has seen all the data points (i.e. at the end of 1 loop) we update the final metric function using \mu(x_i) as centroids """ # convert to 1 big tensor self.M_tens = self.centroids_tens = # define new metric def G(z): return torch.inverse( ( self.M_tens.unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp( -torch.norm( self.centroids_tens.unsqueeze(0) - z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1 ) ** 2 / (self.temperature ** 2) ) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(z.device) ) def G_inv(z): return ( self.M_tens.unsqueeze(0) * torch.exp( -torch.norm( self.centroids_tens.unsqueeze(0) - z.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1 ) ** 2 / (self.temperature ** 2) ) .unsqueeze(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ).sum(dim=1) + self.lbd * torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(z.device) self.G = G self.G_inv = G_inv self.M = [] self.centroids = []
def loss_function( self, recon_x, x, z0, zK, rhoK, eps0, gamma, mu, log_var, G_inv, G_log_det ): logpxz = self._log_p_xz(recon_x, x, zK) # log p(x, z_K) logrhoK = ( ( -0.5 * ( torch.transpose(rhoK.unsqueeze(-1), 1, 2) @ G_inv @ rhoK.unsqueeze(-1) ) .squeeze() .squeeze() - 0.5 * G_log_det ) - torch.log(torch.tensor([2 * np.pi]).to(x.device)) * self.latent_dim / 2 ) # log p(\rho_K) logp = logpxz + logrhoK # define a N(0, I) distribution normal = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=torch.zeros(self.latent_dim).to(x.device), covariance_matrix=torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(x.device), ) logq = normal.log_prob(eps0) - 0.5 * log_var.sum(dim=1) # log(q(z_0|x)) return -(logp - logq).mean() def _sample_gauss(self, mu, std): # Reparametrization trick # Sample N(0, I) eps = torch.randn_like(std) return mu + eps * std, eps def _tempering(self, k, K): """Perform tempering step""" beta_k = ( (1 - 1 / self.beta_zero_sqrt) * (k / K) ** 2 ) + 1 / self.beta_zero_sqrt return 1 / beta_k def _log_p_x_given_z(self, recon_x, x, reduction="none"): r"""Estimate the decoder's log-density modelled as follows: p(x|z) = \prod_i Bernouilli(x_i|pi_{theta}(z_i)) p(x = s|z) = \prod_i (pi(z_i))^x_i * (1 - pi(z_i)^(1 - x_i))""" return -F.binary_cross_entropy( recon_x, x.reshape(-1, self.input_dim), reduction=reduction ).sum(dim=1) def _log_z(self, z): """ Return Normal density function as prior on z """ # define a N(0, I) distribution normal = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=torch.zeros(self.latent_dim).to(z.device), covariance_matrix=torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(z.device), ) return normal.log_prob(z) def _log_p_xz(self, recon_x, x, z): """ Estimate log(p(x, z)) using Bayes rule """ logpxz = self._log_p_x_given_z(recon_x, x) logpz = self._log_z(z) return logpxz + logpz
[docs] def likelihood(self, x, sample_size=10): r""" Estimate the likelihood of the model :math:`\log(p(x))` using importance sampling on :math:`q_{\phi}(z|x)` """ # print(sample_size) mu, log_var = self.encode(x.reshape(-1, self.input_dim)) Eps = torch.randn(sample_size, x.size()[0], self.latent_dim, device=x.device) Z = (mu + Eps * torch.exp(0.5 * log_var)).reshape(-1, self.latent_dim) Z0 = Z recon_X = self.decode(Z) # get metric value G_rep = self.G(Z) G_inv_rep = self.G_inv(Z) G_log_det_rep = torch.logdet(G_rep) L_rep = torch.linalg.cholesky(G_rep) G_inv_rep_0 = G_inv_rep G_log_det_rep_0 = G_log_det_rep # initialization gamma = torch.randn_like(Z0, device=x.device) rho = gamma / self.beta_zero_sqrt beta_sqrt_old = self.beta_zero_sqrt rho = (L_rep @ rho.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze( -1 ) # sample from the multivariate N(0, G) rho0 = rho X_rep = x.repeat(sample_size, 1, 1, 1).reshape(-1, self.input_dim) for k in range(self.n_lf): # step 1 rho_ = self._leap_step_1(recon_X, X_rep, Z, rho, G_inv_rep, G_log_det_rep) # step 2 Z = self._leap_step_2(recon_X, X_rep, Z, rho_, G_inv_rep, G_log_det_rep) recon_X = self.decode(Z) G_rep_inv = self.G_inv(Z) G_log_det_rep = -torch.logdet(G_rep_inv) # step 3 rho__ = self._leap_step_3(recon_X, X_rep, Z, rho_, G_inv_rep, G_log_det_rep) # tempering beta_sqrt = self._tempering(k + 1, self.n_lf) rho = (beta_sqrt_old / beta_sqrt) * rho__ beta_sqrt_old = beta_sqrt bce = F.binary_cross_entropy(recon_X, X_rep, reduction="none") # compute densities to recover p(x) logpxz = -bce.reshape(sample_size, -1, self.input_dim).sum(dim=2) # log(p(X|Z)) logpz = self._log_z(Z).reshape(sample_size, -1) # log(p(Z)) logrho0 = ( ( -0.5 * ( torch.transpose(rho0.unsqueeze(-1), 1, 2) * self.beta_zero_sqrt @ G_inv_rep_0 @ rho0.unsqueeze(-1) * self.beta_zero_sqrt ) .squeeze() .squeeze() - 0.5 * G_log_det_rep_0 ) - torch.log(torch.tensor([2 * np.pi]).to(x.device)) * self.latent_dim / 2 ).reshape(sample_size, -1) # log(p(\rho_0)) logrho = ( ( -0.5 * ( torch.transpose(rho.unsqueeze(-1), 1, 2) @ G_inv_rep @ rho.unsqueeze(-1) ) .squeeze() .squeeze() - 0.5 * G_log_det_rep ) - torch.log(torch.tensor([2 * np.pi]).to(x.device)) * self.latent_dim / 2 ).reshape(sample_size, -1) # log(p(\rho_K)) # define a N(0, I) distribution normal = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=torch.zeros(self.latent_dim).to(x.device), covariance_matrix=torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(x.device), ) logqzx = normal.log_prob(Eps) - 0.5 * log_var.sum(dim=1) # log(q(Z_0|X)) logpx = (logpxz + logpz + logrho - logrho0 - logqzx).logsumexp(dim=0).mean( dim=0 ) - torch.log( torch.Tensor([sample_size]).to(x.device) ) # + self.latent_dim /2 * torch.log(self.beta_zero_sqrt ** 2) return logpx